Chris nabs Manders

After my big wedding to Lance, Chris got to thinking that he was getting older, and it was time for him to settle down, and get hitched himself. So I hooked him up with a very special girl...Manders. Well, anyway, they have decided that it is time to do the big "M"..and Chris being the crazy guy that he is, has to have a theme wedding...So, the luck of the Irish will surely be with this lucky couple...on St. Patricks day.

This is the kind of dress Manders wants....

This is more what Chris had in mind, won't she look lovely?

Oh look, won,t us bridesmaids look nice too? Chris sure does know how to pick a dress huh. Lets see what he picks out for himself....

WOW! Chris will look so handsome in this freaky-deaky getup.

I guess she got a nice ring eh...look at the rock in that thing.

This is their cake....

And this is Joey's. Chris said "give the big boy his own; I don't want the same problem Lance and Tara had."

Um, I don't think this is for our looks private.

So, anyway, now you have a sneak peak of the wedding of our crazy Chris and lucky girl, Manders. there will be more pictures after the look back later.
